Editor's Picks Dylan Roof Confesses That He Was Trying to Start a Race War and Is Set to Make a Court Appearance Today
Editor's Picks Jon Stewart Points Out the Blatant Contradiction of How Far America Goes to Protect Itself from Foreign Threats but Not Domestic Terrorism
Editor's Picks Things Get Heated as Friend of Rev. Pinckney Rightfully Calls Out Bill O’Reilly and Fox News for Hate Rhetoric
News Video Dr. King’s Niece Dead Wrong About Racial Factor in Light of Terrorist’s Confession to Wanting to ‘Start a Race War’
News Video This Is One of the Best Explanations of Why America Is Avoiding Calling the Charleston Massacre an Act of Terrorism
National S.F. Official’s Desperate Plea to End Gun Violence: Call the Police On Your Children With Weapons
National The Country in the Mirror: Are Modern Day Police Forces Just A Sad Reflection of What America Has Become?
Health & Wellness In the Midst of Chicago Violence, PTSD Emerges As Equalizer for Victims on Both Sides of the Gun