Chicago Teen Charged With Grandfather’s Murder

A Chicago teen was charged with the murder of his grandfather, who was shot six times in the back March 2.

William Strickland, 19, reportedly confessed to stealing his grandfather’s gun and using it to commit the crime. He then proceeded to rob his grandfather, using the money to purchase shoes, a new phone and tattoos, among other things.

His grandfather, also named William Strickland, was a dialysis patient who had recently retired from a local steel mill.

The elder Strickland was waiting for a driver to take him to a dialysis appointment when he was gunned down near the corner of 95th Street and Eberhart Avenue on Chicago’s Far South Side. His family was shocked by the crime and suspected that he might have been targeted due to the precise timing of the attack.

“I do not feel as though it was a robbery. I feel as though it was up close and personal because they knew the exact time he was coming out the house, and he’s been making this dialysis trip for four years, same time,” his daughter Lesley told CBS Chicago.

“He goes every Saturday morning and to me, whoever did this was watching him all the time,” added brother-in-law Raymond Pritchett.

Strickland was denied bail on Saturday, and might face a life sentence for the killing, despite having no previous criminal record. Strickland also admitted to being a member of the Black P. Stones street gang. Police believe that another person was acting with Strickland but have not charged any other suspects. The younger Strickland currently faces one count of murder and another of armed robbery.

“We’re not used to [violence] here. It’s a close neighborhood,” a resident in Strickland’s Far South Side neighborhood told NBC. “William was a wonderful guy. I feel like I lost a role model.”

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