‘So It’s Molly’s Fault His D Slipped Up?’: Kevin Hart Blames Wild Drug-Fueled Night for Why He Cheated on Pregnant Wife Eniko

Comedian Kevin Hart has finally confessed about the night in 2017 when he cheated on his wife, Eniko Hart, with a random woman in Las Vegas. These details have emerged as part of the trial he’s involved in against his former friend, Jonathan “JT” Jackson.

On that fateful night, Hart says that he was coerced to do Molly by an unnamed friend. Unfortunately, not only did the drug take him on a trip, but, according to some, it almost cost him his entire family.

During a deposition for Jonathan “JT” Jackson’s lawsuit against the comedian, Hart admitted that he was hesitant to take the behavior-altering drugs.

“No, I don’t really f–k with drugs like that,” he told the unnamed friend. However, the “Ride Along” actor broke after his pal’s relentless nagging.

Kevin Hart reveals the details of his 2017 cheating scandal. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images)
Kevin Hart reveals the details of his 2017 cheating scandal. (Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images)

Hart said during his deposition, “F—k it, I said, and I put it in my drink. I had some water there. It was watered down. Because it’s in my drink, I’m fine. I’m fine with drinking. The night is good,” according to Page Six.

The court document, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Aug. 6, further described Hart’s account of the events of that weekend, when he met a woman named Montia Sabbag.

Hart stated that he brought Sabbag and another woman named Morgan to his hotel room despite being married to his wife Eniko, who was home pregnant with the couple’s first child.

The actor testified that Morgan did not stay the night, but Sabbag did.

Sabbag was not able to get him to bed her that first night that they hung out, but in the morning, she was able to entice him to having sex with her, Hart told his interlocutors.

“I did not have sex with [Montia] that night,” he said. “I had sex with her the following morning. She woke me up.”

Hart broke down his tryst by saying she was trying to “get closer to the [hidden] camera” that ultimately recorded their rendezvous.

The Philadelphia native also claimed that he suspected the camera had been covertly placed beforehand, stating that he never saw Sabbag leave the bed and believed the footage was intended for extortion.

Many of the Page Six followers on Instagram weighed in on his admission, saying the drugs made him break his vow to his wife.

“No he cheated and then came up with an excuse for it! But there is NO excuse good enough! @kevinhart !!!” one person wrote.

Another added, “Oooo so it’s Molly’s fault his D slipped up. Ok ok… No biggie. Nah but seriously anyone who cheats and says it’s bc of drugs is lying, drugs don’t make u cheat.”

A third comment told him to just “Leave Molly out of this little fella.”

Kevin Hart and Eniko Hart
Kevin and Eniko Hart. (Photo: @kevinhart4real/Instagram)

A few of the comments wondered why the story is still going on after almost a decade.

“He talked about this before it hit the press,” one follower quipped. “He talked about it after the court proceedings. He then had his wife talk about it in a Netflix special. Why IN THE WORLD is he bringing this up SEVEN years late He must like humiliating his wife, some kind of kink or something.”

As a gesture to make rectify his past behavior, the “Hartbeat” executive said told Los Angeles Times columnist Amy Kaufman that the only way he would return to Sin City is “if his wife is with him.”

Beyond the public fallout from cheating on his wife, Hart remains embroiled in a legal battle with his former friend Jackson.

Initially charged with two felony counts of extortion related to the sex tape and leaking the video of Hart, Jackson saw those accusations dropped in 2021.

Jackson had always maintained his innocence.

Now his former friend of over 15 years has filed a lawsuit against Hart, accusing him of failing to adhere to the terms of a settlement requiring the comic to publicly clear Jackson’s name.

Hart’s former assistant Miesha Shakes claims he fabricated a story that pointed the finger at others, when actually it was he that recorded the sex video with Sabbag. She has made the allegations public in an interview with YouTube gossip maven Tasha K. The father of four would later file a lawsuit against his former assistant.

In Jackson’s case, he not only alleged that Hart was dishonest about the entire ordeal but also said the Hollywood A-lister breached a settlement agreement that they had crafted together.

Jackson says Hart had promised to publicly clear his name but failed to do so.

He claimed that they signed a carefully negotiated settlement in July 2021, where Hart agreed to make a strong public statement declaring Jackson’s innocence in the Las Vegas sex tape scandal. According to Jackson, Hart was supposed to mention that “the incident” cost him “a very valuable friendship” with someone he “loved.”

The statement was also supposed to exonerate him clearly, with him saying he is “proud to say that all [the] charges against JT Jackson have been dropped” and that Jackson “is not guilty and had nothing to do with it.”

Hart never did that. Instead, he took to social media and said, Jackson had “been found not guilty” because “those charges have been dropped against him.”

Jackson, who is seeking over $12 million in damages and a trial, said Hart’s statement failed to “clear [his] name unequivocally and restore his reputation.”

Hart has not shared a statement on his comments outside of the legal proceeding.

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