Ciara Posts About 5-Year-Old Son’s ‘Wild’ Sleeping Habits, Mothers Eagerly Relate

Despite being a celebrity mom, Ciara’s life isn’t always so glamorous.

The singer shared just how real things can get in her home when she uploaded a selfie that got photobombed by her son’s foot.

Ciara. (@ciara/Instagram)

“Woke up this morning with this foot in my face:) My son sleeps like a wild child. Mamas do you feel me? 🤣 Happy #Sunday,” she wrote in the caption of a photo with 5-year-old Future Zahir posted to Instagram July 28.

It seems the fellow moms out there more than feel her. The singer’s post generated more than 7,000 comments from moms who also deal with crazily sleeping children.

“Mine kicks like a damn mule. But wouldn’t change it for the world. 🙄😂🥰”

“I can definitely relate 😩😂”

“Have you even been open-hand slapped 🖐🖐🥊🥊in the face in the middle of the night by a toddler??? Lol Jeez 😫😫😣😣😤😤”

“Lol my sons foot would be just a tad bit closer to my nose for some odd reason 🤣🤣😂💙💙”

Yet some fans weren’t even focused on Future Zahir’s foot. They were sidetracked by her makeup-free beauty.

“Your skin is amazing!!”

“@elslady2002 Right?! That’s all I can focus on,” someone replied.

“This is What peace does to your skin.”

“Forget the foot let’s talk about your face 😍”

“Woke up flawless 😍”

Ciara’s appearance has been put on display on Instagram before. Her makeup-free look in a selfie posted early in the morning had fans in awe back in 2016. It also included a then-2-year-old Future Zahir all over his mom.

Ciara has previously disclosed what she does to ensure her skin remains free of blemishes.

“Water! I drink lots of water!” she said after the birth of daughter Sienna Princess according to “I also wash my face two times a day, use Vitamin C serum on my face and I also use a sunscreen/face moisturizer.”

And it’s not just her skin that fans love. The performer has made waves with her followers for her natural tresses.

“Oh my gosh, guys. Can you believe it?” Ciara remarked in a May video about the curls piled on top of her head. “This is my real hair, this is what it looks like when I wash it. Funky! This is like[my son] Juicy Man’s hair.”

The star’s followers promptly fawned over her locks, which she earlier shared had come a long way after a chemical relaxer had her hair falling out.

“Yesss embrace those curls”

“she needs to wear it natural more omg😍”

“She looks good 😍”

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