New Details Emerge About Tamar Braxton and Vince Herbert’s Financial Struggles that Possibly Led to Their Divorce

Newly obtained documents regarding a lawsuit from a record company may provide some insight into the financial woes that possibly led to the implosion of his marriage to Tamar Braxton.

Files gathered by The Blast Tuesday, Aug. 28 reveal that LDNX Records has been trying to collect the $380,000 it claims Herbert owes them and wants him, Remy Ma and Lady Gaga as well as Interscope Records held in contempt of court.

Tamar Braxton gives birth to bouncing baby boy

(Tamar and Vince)

After winning a case against Herbert in 2017 over a soured business agreement, LDNX says it has yet to receive a single cent of what the music executive owes them. Now, the label wants to sort through how Herbert makes his money in an effort to seize the funds until it recoups the financial judgment.

Documents reveal Remy, Gaga and Interscope has been subpoenaed to reveal financial details about the agreements they’ve made with Hebert in order for LDNX to discover how much Braxton’s estranged husband owed from his royalties.

Herbert, the record label says, has played a major role in Gaga’s rise to fame as he worked with her on such hits as “Poker Face,”  “Telephone” and “Born This Way.”

LDNX wants sanctions issued against the three defendants and says Gaga, in particular, failed to provide full and honest responses to the information they required in the subpoena.

Allegedly, Gaga was served with the first subpoena in August 2017 but didn’t issue a response until July of this year. At the time, LDNX sent a letter tot he judge saying Gaga has cooperated with their subpoena and gave adequate answers. While the plaintiff asked for a motion for contempt against her to be withdrawn, they asked the judge to punish Interscope, Herbert and Remy Ma for alleged obstruction of justice.

The judge has yet to rule on the case.

This is the latest lawsuit Herbert has had to grabble with. He and Tamar put their house up for sale, which recently sold for $1.25 million less than what they bought it for, during the time that their marriage imploded. It was also around that same time that a judge ordered Herbert to pay $3.7 million to Sony over a record advance.

Herbert was also sued by a nanny for $213,000 over unpaid wages. A lien placed on the Braxton’s home forced the couple to pay their son’s ex-babysitter, Sally Lou Perkins, what she was owed.

Additionally, Braxton’s sister Towanda took Herbert to court over owed compensation for the “Braxton Family Values” theme song.

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