‘The Man With The Iron Fists’ Red Band Trailer Looks Sick…

The new redband trailer for THe Man With The Iron Fists has recently hit the internet.

This is the second trailer for the film and it’s different from the first because there’s a bunch of new footage. The new footage looks great. Actually, by this appearance, it looks as though The Man With The Iron Fists may be the best martial arts influenced that have been released in a while.

One may wonder why is there so many stars, including Russell Crowe, Pam Grier and Lucy Liu signed on to a RZA created and directed film? The question may have been answered in the trailer. RZA obviously knows what he’s doing. The new footage shows so many exciting fight scenes, some may even compete to be the best fight scenes of 2012. That will be judged when the movie is actually released, but if the trailer is any indication, then we may have ourselves a winner.

The Man with the Iron Fists is based in China, where a weapons making blacksmith from a small village, is put in the position where he must defend himself and his fellow villagers.

RZA stars in the film, he also co-wrote the screenplay along with Eli Roth (Cabin Fever, Hostel), envisioning the film as an old kung-fu classics of the past. Besides RZA, Crowe, Grier and Liu, the movie also stars Rick Yune, Cung Lee, and former wrestler David Bautista

The Man with the Iron Fists, which is presented by Quentin Tarantino, is produced by Marc Abraham, Eric Newman, and Roth.

This film is set for a November 2 release from Universal.

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