Iyanla Vanzant shared some thought-provoking relationship advice during a recent episode of “Way Up with Angela Yee,” saying that women should wait at least 90 days before sleeping with a man they are dating. The Power 105.1 interview with the motivational speaker was shared on Nov. 16.
The “Iyanla, Fix My Life” star was talking about dating and relationships with co-hosts Yee and Jasmine Brand, and she said that women often sleep with the wrong man too soon.
After Brand asked what the appropriate time frame is for sleeping with a new man, Vanzant suggested a time frame of three to four months.
“Here’s the problem that I’m having, and again, I’m an elder, so I have a different perspective,” she said. “I think we’re sleeping with these men much too soon. I think we’re sleeping with the wrong men, and then we get upset when they don’t honor and respect us. But you know, for me, she who has the madam rules, so, I got the madam.”
Brand then pointed to her genital area and asked, “Is this the madam?”
Vanzant replied that it was and asked Brand what she called “her.”
“I probably don’t want to say in front of you,” said Brand before replying, “Now I call it the madam!”
Brand asked what the appropriate time frame was to “give away the madam,” and Vanzant replied that the madam was not to be given away.
“No, no, no, no, no, we’re not giving no madam away. I’m gonna invite you to worship in her temple,” said Vanzant. “I say between 90 and 120 days, pretty much three to four months. Because you’re gonna see their true colors, you’re gonna identify some things. You’re gonna spend some time together.”
However, the 70-year-old said that she was not opposed to women having a “play date” with a man and sending that “person packin’.”
A clip of the video was shared on social media with the caption, ” ‘She who has the madam makes the rules’ -@IyanlaVanzant Do you agree?”
Fans loved Vanzant’s advice and replied in the comments section. One fan replied, “Facts! And That’s why I’m changing it up!”
“[100 percent emoji] Old school philosophy worked,” echoed another.
Another fan posted several fire, laughing and clapping emojis with the line, “Invite you to worship in her temple!”
“Preach,” concluded another.
Vanzant went on to say that she was “horrified” by online dating because of the “bad behavior” and “scams” on social media, adding that it is too easy to con people. Vanzant is the author of several self-help books, including “Get Over It!: Thought Therapy for Healing the Hard Stuff” and “Acts of Faith.”
Other topics covered during the interview were Vanzant’s abusive marriage, Jada Pinkett Smith and cheating.
The entire video is available below.