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My Boyfriend Makes Over Six Figures, and Now He Thinks I Am Not Good Enough for Him

When I met Jay, he was an associate attorney, making an excellent salary. The reason I know about his salary and wages is that he is always boasting and bragging about it to anyone who will listen. He’s so proud of what he has managed to accomplish, and I totally get it. I just wish he was a little more private about the money that he makes.

Our relationship definitely has room for growth, but for the most part, we’re a happy couple. I’m a caseworker, which is a demanding career emotionally, so I require a partner who understands my need for peace and tranquility when I come home. Jay gives me that, sometimes too much of that, because he makes himself scarce so as not to upset or frustrate me with fights about minor things that really don’t matter, like taking out the trash and doing dishes.

Upset Black woman (Photo:

Two weeks ago, he came home and announced that he made a partner at his law firm. He’s over the moon, and I’m very excited for him as well. But ever since then, Jay has been acting weird. He finally came to me and said he needed to get something off of his chest. He told me that he had outgrown me and that it would probably be best if we went our separate ways. WTH?! I can’t believe it. Money is turning him into a monster, and it’s like I’m the only one that can see it.

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He says he’s getting pressure from family and friends to dump me and that he’s sorry, but he has to let me go as he ELEVATES himself. I could potentially get a second job to try and keep up with Jay’s salary demands, but I work hard enough at my day job at my full-time job. At the end of the day, he comes from a family of attorneys, and they just don’t respect my profession.

Should I cut my losses or try to find ways to make more money so Jay will consider me his financial equal?

Read the original story here.

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