Stevie J’s Plan to Pay the $1.3M Child Support Debt Released

After Stevie J’s child support woes, “Love and Hip Hop” creator Mona Scott-Young has addressed head on whether or not the reality star is taking care of his kids.

In a rapid-fire session of questions, Wendy Williams asked Scott-Young for an update on Stevie J’s child care.

“As far as I know, yes he is,” she said of the music producer paying for his children’s needs. “He spends a lot of time with those kids. The checks go to him but I know he also started a fund — sorry to put it out there, Stevie — he also started a fund where a portion of his income goes in to take care of his kids. So he takes care of his kids, yeah.”

Stevie J has six children, the youngest of which is Bonnie Bella, whom he shares with former “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” co-star Joseline Hernandez. He racked up $1.3 million in owed child support for the kids, for which he faced prison time in April.

“We’re still negotiating that. We are still filming right now. We are gonna take it all as it comes and be optimistic,” he told The Grio in the spring. “My kids all know I love them and we are best buddies and we have to go through formalities in life. Once you go through things it just makes you a better person. Sometimes you make a wrong turn and you have to rise out of the situation and that’s what we are doing.

“I live my life knowing that I stand for something great and I respect others and respect my family I can’t really be concerned about any of the white noise. If I’m worried about what people are saying then I’m not focused on my destiny so I just block it out and push forward and keep working hard.”

However, Stevie ultimately avoided getting locked up, according to a May TMZ report.

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