O.J. Simpson’s New Movie Deal Sparks Outrage and Other Top Stories You Missed While You Were Sleeping

Donald Trump Jr.’s Wife Hospitalized: Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa Trump was rushed to the hospital after opening a letter that contained a white powder. The New York City Police later deemed the powder non-hazardous although, it is unclear what the substance was.

Vivica Fox Wants Disney to Pay Up: Vivica Fox believes the Black community should receive a percentage “Black Panther” proceeds. The actress supports an online petition from Change.org for Marvel and Disney to give 25% of proceeds back to the community. The creator of the petition believes that since they marketed specifically to the Black movie goers they should give back to them.

Keshia Knight Pulliam Begs to Leave “Celebrity Big Brother”: Keisha Knight Pulliam broke down in tears pleading with her fellow contestants to send her packing. Pulliam claimed to really have missed her one-year-old daughter. “The Cosby Show” show alum said, “I’m a very competitive person..however, $250,000, or any amount of money, is not worth my baby.”

O.J. Simpson Secures Movie Deal: Actor and Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen best known for starring in “Borat” reportedly offered O.J. Simpson $20K to star in his next film. Cohen dressed as one of his hilarious characters to meet up with the football Hall of Famer. Sources say Cohen had to pay Simpson just to get the ex-convict to meet up in a hotel with him. Some were not pleased with Simpson’s new deal. @CAPTGP tweeted: “So Hollywood is making a movie about a murderer and the murderer will play himself. OJ Simpson! 20,000 is what he will make? I call BS the 20k is so that the family of the murdered cannot collect from a court settlement. He’s actually getting paid cash!”

Mardi Gras Festival Kicks Off: Happy Fat Tuesday! Today, Feb. 13 marks the first day of the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Mardi Gras is the very festive celebration before the season of Lent begins.

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