Have You Heard: Top 5 Stories You Missed While You Were Sleeping

  1. Matt Barnes to produce Huey Newton biopic. The retired NBA player took to Instagram to announce the green light to produce the biopic of the co-founder of the Black Panther Party. The title will be ‘Power to the People’.
  2. Steve Harvey files legal documents against Vincent Dimmock, the ex-employee who sued the television host for charity fraud.  Dimmock accused Harvey of never giving him the promised 12.5% cut of the money he raised from the charity.
  3. Idris Elba proposed to his model girlfriend Sabrina Dhowre,former Miss. Vancouver. The two met in 2017 during Elba’s filming of “The Mountain Between Us.”
  4. The BET Social Awards kicked off Sunday night Feb. 12. The award’s  show honored some of the biggest social media celebrities.
  5. Donald Trump appeared to have sided with his two male aids who are under investigation for spousal abuse. Trump tweeted “people lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation.”
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