Joy Reid Unleashes Scathing Critique of America Post Election: U.S Can No Longer Lecture Others on Democracy 

On this week’s edition of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid skewered the Republican party and Donald Trump supporters for their hypocrisy for giving into a international wave of white nationalism.

On Sunday’s broadcast, Reid points out that Trump voters have lost the ability to tout American exceptionalism as well as the moral high ground because Trump is now the face of the party.

Additionally, she reminds viewers that President-elect Trump is the second of three Republican presidents to have won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote. According to Politico, Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s lead over Trump has surpassed one million votes.

“You’ve lost the morality card,” Reid begins. “No longer can the U.S. go around lecturing the world about democracy, because in our democracy, the person who got the most votes will not be president. … Again, we’re required to accept this affront to democracy because that’s our system. But our acceptance doesn’t make it any [more] democratic.”

Reid continues her post-election analysis by stating that Trump voters have followed countries like France and Great Britain’s Brexit by buying into nationalist movements that were “fueled by the Russians and feeding on the fear of non-white and non-Christian immigrants.”

Furthermore, she compares Trump to France’s Marine Le Pen and her National Front party that rose primarily because of a fear of Muslim immigrants.

Reid does not let Trump himself off the hook so easily either, bringing up the instances of sexual assault the president-elect has boasted about in the past.

However, the host saved her most scathing comments for last. Reid hammers her fellow media members for trying to normalize Trump’s presidency.

“He’s still the guy who has made racist misogynistic statements that have offended virtually every group in the U.S.,” she says. “We owe it to the country to cover him with clear open eyes. … We need to cover the next President with the same cynicism that the current President was treated to. …”

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