George Zimmerman’s Wife Calls Him ‘Selfish’ and Abusive, Files for Divorce

After filing for divorce from her infamous husband George Zimmerman, Shellie Zimmerman called him “selfish” in an interview with ABC News, and said that after almost seven years of marriage she doesn’t think she “ever really knew him at all.”

Shellie Zimmerman, 26, said that after the stresses of her husband’s trial over the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, her life is now shattered.

“I stood by my husband through everything and I kind of feel like he left me with a bunch of broken glass that I’m supposed to now assemble and make a life…It’s just heartbreaking,” she said.

She even said he was verbally abusive toward her, hurting her “emotionally, but never physical.”

“I have a selfish husband. And I think George is all about George,” she said. “I think I’m realizing that I have been married to a person for almost seven years, and I don’t think that I ever really knew him at all.”

Her husband has managed to stay in the headlines since his July acquittal in Martin’s death, being pulled over by police for speeding on two separate occasions.

Shellie Zimmerman said he has only spent three or four nights in their home since the trial before she moved out in mid-August.

She said the acquittal has made him feel “invincible” and led him to make “some reckless decisions.”

In the divorce papers, Shellie Zimmerman asked for “equitable distribution” of their assets—including anything her husband might gain from a defamation suit he has filed against NBC—as well as equal share of their debts. She is also seeking sole custody of their two dogs.

On the financial disclosure form, she said she is unemployed, with monthly expenses of $755. George Zimmerman has given her $4,300 for living expenses since the separation — money he apparently got from his legal defense fund.

While George Zimmerman’s lawyers had no comment on the divorce, his brother Robert sent out a tweet that said simply: “Pray for them.”

Shellie Zimmerman has had her own legal troubles, pleading guilty last week to perjury for lying about the couple’s finances when the judge was initially setting bail for her husband. She received a sentence of 100 hours of community service and a year’s probation.

After she pleaded guilty, she told ABC that she lied. “I can rationalize a lot of reasons for why I was misleading, but the truth is that I knew I was lying,” she said.

“I have supported him for so long and neglected myself for too long,”  she said. “And I feel like I’m finally starting to feel empowered again.”

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