Rude Girl: Rihanna Skips Deposition, Fined $47,050

Rihanna’s rude girl attitude may have helped her amass a huge fan base and sell millions of records, but that same attitude may cost her the spoils of her hard work.

The “S&M” singer has garnered the reputation of being unreliable throughout her current Diamonds World Tour after arriving hours late to performances, canceling shows due to illness, and giving audience members lackluster performances.

Sadly, Rih Rih’s nonchalant approach to her career is bleeding over into her finances. The Bajan pop star took the right steps in 2012 to regain control over her finances with a lawsuit against her accountants of Berdon, LLP.

According to a Yahoo Finance article dated July, 5th 2012:

“Rihanna sued her former accountants Thursday, blaming them for tens of millions of dollars in losses, shoddy bookkeeping, a failure to recommend she trim expenses when a 2009 tour was losing money and an ongoing audit by the Internal Revenue Service.”

Somehow the 25-year old performer dropped the ball after making such strong allegations against her ex-accountants.

The accountants fired back, claiming it was Rihanna’s own careless attitude that lead to her financial troubles. Reportedly, the accountants tried several times to sit for a deposition, but the pop star has only given excuses after excuses. The last deposition was scheduled in London, based on Rihanna’s tour stops—but again she was a no-show. Suddenly, Berdon, LLP’s claims against Rih Rih are gaining strength.

Today, according to TMZ, a judge has had enough of the antics. Rihanna has been ordered to pay a $47,050 fine after Berdon, LLP requested a judge force the singer to cough up the cost of their legal fees associated with setting up the depositions.

Luckily for Rihanna, she has one last chance to sit for a deposition on August 8, as set by the judge. If she doesn’t show, she can kiss her original lawsuit goodbye. Now that would be a shame.


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