Drake And Chris Brown Avoid $16M Lawsuit After Nightclub Brawl Over Rihanna

Chris Brown and his arch-rival, Drake, have something to celebrate.

The singer and rapper reportedly became bitter enemies over a shared love for Bajan songstress, Rihanna. The animosity peaked when Drake allegedly threw a bottle at Brown and his entourage last June, starting a bar brawl at W.i.P nightclub in New York that left several injured, including Brown.

Not surprisingly, the injured list continued to grow—as did the lawsuits. The most famous of them all, is from San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker, who’s suing both Drake and Brown for $20M after suffering an eye injury. The entertainers in turned sued each other to offset the mounting lawsuits. It is unclear where the lawsuits from the patrons stand. However, the Supreme Court recently dismissed a $16M suit brought on by Greenhouse, a club adjacent to W.i.P.

According to NY Daily News:

“A Manhattan judge has ruled that the two entertainers could not be held accountable for damages to the trademark of Greenhouse, a SoHo club that shares owners and a liquor license with W.i.P., an adjacent club where the June 2012 fight over Rihanna took place.

“‘Unfortunately, brawls in bars and night clubs are commonplace. In fact, they have occurred in the past in Greenhouse, Supreme Court Justice Anil Singh told lawyers for both sides in May.

“Singh dismissed the case saying Drake and Brown as patrons had no special obligation to protect the reputation of a club that was adjacent to the one where the fight occurred.”

Brown, who’s working overtime to stay out of jail after a judge ruled he violated his probation over a traffic accident, has not responded to the ruling. Drake’s lawyer, on the other hand, is hoping to maximize their good fortune. Harry Steinberg argued the rapper’s legal bills have mounted to six figures and requested the judge to sanction or fine the Greenhouse lawyers for pressing a case where there was no law to support it.

Not surprisingly, Singh refused their request.

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