Speaking Out: Lauryn Hill Writes Letter From Jail


Lauryn Hill wrote a letter from jail in response to the outpour of support she’s been getting from fans during her time behind bars. The ex-Fugees star began her three-month sentence for tax evasion on July 8th. The letter was posted to her tumblr.com page by Lauryn’s team, and reads:

“Ms. Hill has received a lot mail, and would like to let everyone know that she is doing well.  She also asked me to pass along this message:

‘I have known since very young to look for the purpose and lesson in everything, including the trials.  Although it has taken some adjustment, I cannot deny the favor I have encountered while in here, and general warm reception from a community of people who despite their circumstances, have found unique ways to make the best of them.  Thank you for the letters of concern and well wishes that I receive in the mail every day. Although I may not be able to write everyone back, please know that they have been received, read, acknowledged, and appreciated. With Love back, MLH.’”

Hill also highlights some fans specifically by name and geographic area “to thank [those] people for their words of encouragement and support.”

Although the “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” singer is in federal prison, she’s not in a maximum-security facility. According to huffingtonpost.com:

“The ‘Killing Me Softly’ singer is currently in federal prison in Danbury, Conn., residing in an open dormitory-style living quarter and working jobs such as maintenance, food service or landscaping.”

It’s good to see that her outlook is currently one of a more positive nature, as opposed to when she when she was sentenced, comparing her plight to slavery. As always, we wish the best for Lauryn and hope she’ll take this time to reflect on her past and make wiser business choices.

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