Sometimes, Women Find Alpha Males a Welcome Respite

The other night, my single mom friend Sarah and I were instant messaging about how we prefer men who are aggressive in bed.

“I’m the CEO of my entire life!” Sarah complained. “Do you know how hot it is to let someone else take over for 20 minutes?”

“It’s not just in bed — give me a vacation from my life for a while,” I responded. I was referencing my weekend date — a guy I met on OKCupid named Lou, who I have pretty much nothing in common with but proved to be the perfect Saturday night activity.

For the past few months I’ve been in a dateless funk, fueled by disappointment that a love interest didn’t pan out and a long, gray winter. Despite being anything but what I am looking for in the long-term, this Sicilian-born, Harley-riding electrical engineer from Queens charmed me with a witty profile, flirty and articulate messages and pics that suggested — quite accurately, I found — a darling smile and a 6’3″ body built like a brick house.

Hotness aside, I knew Lou was just what my mental health needed when he called to arrange the date. He would drive to my neighborhood, so, per protocol, I promised to text him a location to meet. “What are you talking about?” he said in a loud, friendly, Queens accent. “I’m picking you up and I’m taking you out!”

Music to my ears!

Let me back up here. If I had to describe myself — which one is prone to do when she finds herself juxtaposed with a Lou — it would be that I’m a New York intellectual who dates more or less the same. My boyfriends tend to be writers and film makers interested in lefty politics and sustainable urban development. Lots of skinny jeans, the occasional fedora and dates that involve plenty of polite negotiating and triangulating a mutually convenient meeting point.

Lou is Republican who wore a gold crucifix under his slim-cut waffle shirt, and he picked me up and took me out

Read More: Emma Johnson,

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