Jennifer Hudson Talks Weight Loss at Weight Watchers Anniversary

Jennifer Hudson made an appearance at the Weight Watchers 50th Anniversary party in New York, reminding attendees why she is one of the company’s best advertisements.

Hudson,31, lost 80 pounds after starting the weight loss program in 2010–and has kept the weight off. Hudson offered a few candid snippets on how the weight loss has changed her life.

On how she hates celebrities who get gastric:

“That people don’t think you can actually do it naturally. Nothing annoys me more. I hear so many different types of comments. When it happens and you achieve it, people somehow try to find a way to try to discredit you for it, and it’s “Oh, they had surgery.” I think other people’s experiences of doing things like that have cut people short of believing that it is possible. You can do it — I’m an example of that. Weight Watchers works, if you work it. You have to work it. And a lot of people are so blocked and blinded by “Oh, I can’t do it.” It’s like, no. It can happen naturally.”

On her biggest food temptations:

“I love chocolate chip cookies. And right now, I’m a huge fan of the Snickers ice cream bars, because it’s only five points. And then I can have chocolate, ice cream and nuts, but it’s almost not cheating until I go over.”

On the annoying problem of being underweight:

“What gets hard is when I get underweight, or under my goal weight, and then I have to eat, eat, eat. But you don’t want to lose control because you stopped checking points to maintain your weight.”

On how her footwear has changed:

“Heels. I was just having a conversation about it. Normally, I would take my shoes off on the red carpet because my feet hurt so bad. And it was the weight. But now that’s all I’m wearing. It used to be flats, now it’s all heels. So, that’s a drastic change.”

On how she’s so over American Idol (where she got her start):

“I haven’t been able to watch. I hear things, but I haven’t been able to watch this season.”

On how the Mariah Carey/ Nicki Minaj feud is all for TV:

“I always thought that was for TV. I’m like, I don’t know if it’s real. But then I guess it could be, and sometimes the ladies get catty, so that’s probably what’s happening.”

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