Solange Reticent to Giving Big Sister Beyonce Parenting Advice

As President Obama claimed victory in the 2012 president election, Beyonce took to Instagram to support her president while little sister Solange admits she will never give her sister parenting advice.

Queen Bey has finally joined Instagram and made her first picture something to remember. The R&B singer posted a picture of her rocking a white t-shirt that read “Texans for Obama.”

The 31-year-old was campaigning hard for the President throughout the presidential race, making several appearances in his honor, speaking in a public video to support Obama, and of course hosting the fundraising dinner that helped Obama’s campaign break records with how much money they raised.

Jay-Z’s wife has certainly had her hands full with pushing voters to cast their votes for President Barack Obama, so it’s no surprise that she had to call on the aid of her younger sister Solange to babysit sometimes.

The 26-year-old mother of one doesn’t seem to mind at all and is glad that her son will grow up with baby Blue more as a sister than a cousin.

“Blue comes over, I babysit,” the young indie singer told Vulture’s Jada Yuan. “[Beyonce] takes Julez sometimes for the weekend. [Blue] and Julez are going to grow up more like sister and brother than cousins.”

With motherhood and marriage (no divorced) under her belt Solange hopes to return the favor of giving advice to her big sis,

“Marriage is a whole ’nother ball game. [It’s a time] when you really, really need your sister. Every time there was drama and I was all the way in Idaho, it was nice to be able to call. Now it’s kind of a reversal, with her getting married and having a baby after me.”

The mother for 7-year old Julez wasn’t always forthcoming with advice, soon after Blue Ivy was born she stated in a separate interview,

“I think it’s really important for every mother to find their own way,” the “I Decided” songstress explained. “I think it’s actually the most annoying thing when you’re a new mom and you’re getting so much advice from other mothers!”

Read more: Popular Critic


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