Donald Trump Promises “Major Announcement” About President Obama

Real estate magnate and fringe Republican political figure Donald Trump insists that he has a major announcement about President Barack Obama to make Wednesday that could shake up the presidential race.

Trump remained coy when pressed for details, only saying that the news would have an impact and suggesting that it would be delivered via the social media site Twitter.

“I do have something that’s very big,” he said during an appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Wednesday. “It’s about President Obama.”

“The Donald” demurred when asked if he could provide any hints about what he might be divulging, saying, “No, but tomorrow you’ll see.”

Trump has been active since early in the campaign, once toying with the idea of running for the GOP nomination himself and actually leading in many polls at one time before the race began in earnest.

He has been harshly critical of President Obama and was among those at the forefront of what has become known as the “birther” movement – those who believe that Obama was not born in the U.S. and therefore ineligible to be president.

During the interview, Democratic operative and Daily Beast columnist Bob Shrum mocked Trump’s claims over Obama’s residency.

“Will it make any more sense than birtherism?” Shrum asked about Wednesday’s announcement.

“I think it’s going to make a lot of sense,” Trump shot back. “I think birtherism makes a lot of sense to a lot of people to be honest with you. A lot of people agree with it and a lot of people like me very much because of that. All we want is the truth, Bob.”

Shrump then asked Trump why he wasn’t campaigning with Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

“They actually want me to very badly, and I will be doing that, starting probably in about a week,” Trump said.

“Hey, Bob,” he later added, “guys like you are what set this country so far behind. We’re now a laughingstock throughout the world.”

“No, Donald, you’re a laughingstock,” Shrum said.

Trump also expressed his disappointment that Romney was not more aggressive during Monday’s foreign policy debate because “frankly, there’s so much to be aggressive about. Obama’s done a very poor job.”

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