Halle Berry, Sarah Palin Distant Relatives?

Halle Berry may be making a trip to Wasilla, Alaska sometime soon. The Oscar-winning actress made a surprising revelation that she may be related to former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin to “Extra” while promoting her newest film “Cloud Atlas”.

“You want to know who I’m related to? Sarah Palin!” said Berry to “Extra” host Jerry Penacoli. To which he shouted “No!” Berry laughed and said, “That’s what I said, ‘Nooo!'”

According to Berry who didn’t state exactly how she is related to Palin, revealed she learned the news from a friend, “Some twisted way,” Berry said. “Somebody sent me this information that she was my distant [relative].”

Interesting. Meanwhile the gorgeous actress is covering the latest issue of InStyle magazine and dishes on her fiance Olivier Martinez.

“When I first met Olivier, there wasn’t the initial ‘I’m in love!'” she recalls. “It was something that grew more gradually—and it feels more real because of that.”

No word on the wedding date but Berry insists it will be small.

“I do know it will be very small. I haven’t been to many weddings, but I went to one this weekend with 250 guests. I thought, Wow—so this is a wedding, huh? I’ve never had that, nor have I wanted that. I wasn’t even trying to catch the bouquet!”

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