James Cameron's Big Plans Reveals An 'Avatar 4' Film

There has been so much talk on the internet surrounding James Cameron’s big Avatar ideas, but no one has been able to shed any real light on exactly what the acclaimed director was planning for parts 2 and 3, but yet news have already surfaced that Cameron would make a fourth film for the franchise.

Cameron himself, has confirmed that the fourth film is in the early stages of planning. In an interview with MTV, Cameron said “I have an idea for a fourth, but I haven’t really put pen to paper on it, but basically it goes back to the early expedition of Pandora, and kind of what went wrong with the humans and the Na’vi and what that was like to be an explorer and living in that world.” The fourth part looks like it’s going to be more like a prequel to explain the history. That sort of explains his direction for Part 4, but we haven’t even seen the second or third films yet.

With regards to the second and third Avatar movies, Cameron will be shooting the two films in succession, completing the story that he already has in his head – and what is that exactly? At this time, nobody knows but Cameron.

Cameron also told the site that the reason things are moving so slowly is due to the fact that the first Avatar was a hectic production. “We’ve spent two years refining the whole pipeline,” he explains. “It was a hideously complex process to make that film and a lot has been said about that, but we don’t want it to be done in the same prototypical way as the first one, we want it to be a much smoother workflow just for creativity reasons.”

Don’t expect much more updates for Avatar, since the next film is reportedly not likely to hit screens until 2017.

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