Nicki Minaj: I Did NOT Endorse Mitt Romney

Though it certainly sounded like it in song, rapper Nicki Minaj confirmed today that she did NOT endorse presidential candidate Mitt Romney in her verse on the Lil Wayne mix tape track “Mercy.”

When the mixtape came out and the public heard Minaj very loudly and clearly proclaim that “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy bitches is f—ing up the economy” apparently what she had meant to say was something different than what she said. Or something like that.

But Obama nevertheless took a very sympathetic position on Minaj’s rap, apparently based on his broad understanding of the Minaj persona.

He said he didn’t think it was a Romney plus because “she likes to play different characters.”

In her tweet, Minaj thanked Obama for understanding “my creative humor and sarcasm,” then noted: “the smart ones always do … (asterisk)sends love & support.”

By the way, turns out that the 29-year-old performer has never bothered to register in any of the three states in which she has lived.



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