Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Turn Down Reality TV Deal

Kim Kardashian seems to have learned her lesson about broadcasting her love life on national television. According to a report by The Examiner, the starlet and her rapper beau Kanye West have turned down an offer for their own reality show, saying they were “too busy” for a show.

Apparently, Kim’s mom and manager, Kris Jenner agreed. “I think they’re kind of busy right now,” she admitted. However, Jenner doesn’t rule out the idea of a televised wedding and insists it is all up to her daughter, who is still legally married to another man. “Anything that makes Kim happy, I’m thrilled,” Jenner remarked. “You know what, I don’t even have an answer for that. That’s so crazy, I really don’t know. I think that as long as the kids are happy, I’m happy. Whatever floats their boat.”

Jenner also took the time to gush about her new granddaughter. “I’m so content right now. Kourtney’s such a great mom and we have such an amazing family,” she continued. “Penelope is such an amazing addition, so I’m thrilled.”

Although a reality show isn’t in the works, the fashionable couple might be getting into the shoe business together. According to various reports, West and Kardashian, both experienced in the fashion industry, met with billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, husband of actress Salma Hayek and owner of Louis Vuitton, to talk business.

According to a source, though nothing is set or confirmed, the meeting went very well. “Kim and Kanye had lunch with Francois the other day at the yacht club because they’re trying to negotiate a shoe deal with him,” the source told Radar Online. “Francois’ company owns Louis Vuitton, which Kim and Kanye are obviously both big fans of. Nothing is set in stone yet, but they’re really excited about the potential footwear line.”

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