Kanye West's Pals Hate Kim But Kardashian Family Loves Wedding Rumors

Kim Kardashian will not receive the blessing of Kanye West’s friends for a rumored proposal but the Kardashian family can’t get enough of Kanye! According to the latest rumors on Kim and Kanye also known as Kimye, there’s a wedding proposal on the horizon.

Reportedly Kanye West is waiting for Kim’s divorce from her 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries to be finalized. In the meantime, the 35-year old rapper is working closely with a personal jeweler to incorporate diamonds and jewels from his late mother Donda west’s jewelry collection into the engagement ring.

“Donda was such an important person in Kanye’s life, he thought the world of her and was devastated when she died. So, he kept all her jewelry as keepsakes – a lot of the pieces were items he bought over the years after he made it as a hip-hop star. And now, Kanye has found a woman he respects and loves just as much as his mom, so he wants to share her jewelry collection with Kim.”

There are two problems with the rapper’s plan. One, Kim filed for divorce from Kris since late October and with repeated subpoenas and charges of fraud against the Kardashian, there’s no end in sight.

Secondly, Kanye’s friends are not fond of Kim and even less thrilled about her parading Donda’s jewels around. Side note: ‘The Way too Cold’ reportedly banned his friends from ever speaking of the infamous Kim Kardashian sex tape!

Any who, here’s what the source revealed,

“His friends think it’s a terrible idea and are advising him not to give Kim the ring. Because it’s a gift, it would be difficult for Kanye to ask for it back if they ever split up. They’ve also reminded him that Kim is not somebody who works hard for her money. She makes millions doing reality shows and selling her image, and Donda’s jewelry shouldn’t be part of that image.”

Still keeping his mother close the possible wedding may take place in Oklahoma for the late Donda is buried or Chicago where Kanye grew up.

Another group of people steaming over the possible proposal? ‘Ye’s fans. Here’s just a taste of the comments since the story surfaced:

“He found a woman “he respects and loves as much as his Mother”?? What respect could he have had for his Mother if hes comparing this person to her??”

“Kanye’s mother was a decent person. Soiling her ring by using it in something that will touch kardashian is just disrespectful to the woman’s memory and plain nasty. With all his money, you’d think he could do better.”

“Wow, why doesn’t Kanye understand that he’s making the worst choice of his life by dating/marrying Kim KarTRASHian. She’s a f*cking wh*re who only loves him for fame and for the money and he only loves her for her looks (btw she’s getting wider and wider). I can see Kris Jenner sitting there and smiling with having some dollar signs in her eyes. She would love it if this wedding appears on tv too so that this f*ckin family earns once again millions.”

Kim’s youngest sisters help to balance to negative sentiments toward the couple, insisting that he truly makes their older sister happy.

“He is very sweet. We’ve known him for a long time,” said 14-year old Kylie. “Kim and him have been friends forever. He’s been nothing but nice.” Kendall, 16, added, “He’s amazing. Kim is so happy.” When asked about the wedding, Kendall added, “I don’t know, if that makes Kim happy.”

What’s your take on a possible Kim Kardashian, Kanye West wedding?

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