Five Over-Extended Fashion Trends That Need To End Now

There are some fashion trends that catch on like wildfire. The popularity of an item gets duplicated all the way to the nearest beauty supply store and literally everybody and their momma is wearing the latest. That’s one bonafide way to know to let it go. Either comfort or level of cuteness we feel we impart when we wear a particular trend blinds us from letting it take its natural course—and die out. A good factor about trends? There are 15 ushered in every few months—move on. Style is about making the latest trend work best for your age, body type, and wearing the added novelty at the right time and place. This is where the real issue comes in: the trend becomes a staple, not secondary—huge faux pas!

Here are my five over-used trends that I wish somebody would take to a bonfire—like now:

Basketball Wives earrings: While I know the basketball wives weren’t the first ladies to rock gammoth-sized earrings, the reality stars somehow made it a must-have item for everyone with lobes. Honestly, I think some are fierce, but every outfit or a grocery run should not include the outrageous baubles.

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