Basketball Wives' Tami Roman Accuses Fans Of Bullying

In an interesting twist of events Basketball Wives star Tami Roman decided to flip the tables on viewers calling her a bully. “I can take any type of criticism as long as you’re respectful to me, but people have a tendency to chastise and belittle us and not really realizing they’re doing the [bullying].”  No doubt many will be shocked by Tami’s statement given her behavior on three seasons of Basketball Wives!

“Waking up to negativity on Twitter, negativity on Facebook, negativity on blogs, it’s emotionally and mentally draining, and things people say because they think they know you for watching you one hour of the week, it can weigh on your psyche,” lamented Tami to Sister2Sister.

It will be difficult for Tami to gain sympathizers after viewers watched her essentially pick a fight with Kesha Nichols during their trip in Tahiti. The latest Basketball Wives episode continues to fuel the boycott on As of now two sponsors have pulled their ads.

“The way I’ve dealt with things over the course of my life comes from deep-routed issues,” added Tami. “Everybody has to respect the fact that people are going to take the journey and cross bridges when they’re ready to do it. People judge based on how they would handle a situation. They don’t take into consideration how a person was raised. Everybody’s going to handle things differently.” Does this analysis count for people who don’t abide by Tami’s rules of engagement?

“You don’t have to follow me on Twitter. You really don’t. You don’t have to like me on Facebook. You don’t have to do any of that. If you disagree with how I handle something or the way a moment went down, you can say that and you don’t have to call me a b!tc#. You don’t have to call me a lowlife. You don’t have to call me a hood rat. You don’t have to call me out my name to get your point across,” she said. Roll back the tape! Tami? Tami Roman quips about viewers calling her out her name????

Yikes! What do you think of Tami’s statements?

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