Rihanna And Chris Brown Express Their Love On Twitter

Rihanna and Chris Brown were in the mood for the love Thursday afternoon on Twitter. Whether that love was directed towards each other is another story. It all began when Chris who’s attending 2012 Grammy’s for the first time since the 2009 incident tweeted: “Love U more than u know!”

A few minutes later Rihanna responded with “And we on da same page…(For the most part),” adding, “I’ll always love u #1LOVE.”

It’s hard to imagine how Chris Brown’s girlfriend of nearly two years Karrueche Tran is dealing with the rumored back and fourth. This isn’t the first time Rihanna and Brown have been caught subtweeting. Ever since she defended following Chris in May, Rihanna can’t tweet anything love related without it being linked back to Chris. Earlier this month, Rihanna was tweeting lyrics from Drake’s song: “I’ve loved and I’ve lost!!!” “But I need someone different….u know it, we both know it.” “I know he messed up, but let a real n*gga make it right!”

Sounds like she’s referencing Chris Brown right?! No one knows for sure. If Rihanna and Chris are indeed tweeting each other back and fourth, is it time the public step back and allow them to figure this thing out?

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