Jessica Simpson To Marry After Baby; Kardashian Divorce Mocked In OZ

Update-Jessica Simpson hides pregnancy in interview while Khloe and Kim try really hard to defend Kim Kardashian’s divorce on Australia’s (OZ) Sunrise morning show.

The December issue of Lucky magazine hits newsstands next Tuesday.   Although during the September shoot Simpson talked about gaining weight, she didn’t say it was because she was pregnant.

Simpson simply remarked that she liked the way she looked and didn’t shed too many tears about her weight gain.

“Everybody fluctuates, but I’m open about my weight and I’m still confident. I didn’t cry about it too much.”

When asked whether she feels her new figure has affected her brand Jessica responded;

“I got so much scrutiny for putting on extra pounds, but I think that the decision not to make myself anorexic was actually great for branding. Because when you’re really, really skinny, not everybody can relate to you.”

On how her fans reacted to her weight gain she replied;

“All kinds of women started coming up to me and saying what an example I was setting by not constantly dieting.”

Jessica also discussed her fiance Eric Johnson, her wedding dress and her personal style, but she left out one vital clue…she was pregnant!

Eric will have to wait until the baby is born before watching his bride walk down the aisle. A source tells People magazine that the wedding will likely be delayed.

“They’re both still really committed to getting married, and were both really into making decisions about what kind of wedding they wanted,” continues the source, who adds that the nuptials were originally set for this month.

“It’s just going to be at a later date now [because] they really want to enjoy this time in their lives.”

Jessica finally released a statement confirming that she is in fact pregnant. Way to go Simpson, next time tell us something we didn’t know.

Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian is still grabbing headlines as she granted her first interview since filing for divorce from Kris Humphries on Monday.

Kim was in Australia with sister Khloe Kardashian and her husband/bodyguard Lamar Odom to promote their new handbag line. Kim braved the onslaught of reporters as she attempted to explain why her seemingly happy union came to an untimely end.

“I mean, you know, in a tough situation. I think I’m trying to do the best I can, and it’s actually a bit of an escape to come here.”

During her interview on the Kyle and Jackie O show, Kim defended accusations that her wedding and marriage to Kris Humphries was all just a money making scam by stating;

“I don’t think I’m ready to go into, you know, the details of what went on in my marriage. But I do want to make clear that I would never marry for a TV show, for money, for anything like that. I think that’s really ridiculous that I have to even defend that.”

She then oddly added;

“I guess, you know, that comes along with when you film your wedding for a reality show.”

Yes Kim, funny how people tend to question your motives when profit from the sale of your wedding photos and video bring in more money than the cost of the wedding itself.

Khloe was quick to defend her troubled sister by stating;

“I am so protective and defensive. I want to stand up and say to everyone, ‘That’s not true,’ and yell at people, but I can’t do that.”

She continued;

“No matter what, whether you’re at your best, you’re always going to have your critics saying something.”

Khloe always has the words of wisdom..soon she’ll take over as mama hen when Kris Jenner retires…..I can see it now.

Watch Kim Kardashian defend her divorce below:

In another interview with Australia’s Sunrise morning show, Kim appeared agitated but remained calm while the host inquired on just how much she tried to make her 72-day marriage work. You’ll notice Kim K actually says she’s thinking about stepping back a bit…from the cameras!!

Watch the clip below:

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