La La Anthony And Tika Sumpter Take On The Bad Girl Image

La La Vasquez Anthony and actress Tika Sumpter took the spirit of infamous outlaws Thelma and Louise in a photo shoot for Vibe magazine. Check out the behind the scenes footage below.

La La was recently spotted at the Black Girls in New York City this past weekend. Tika is keeping her plate full in a newly sealed role in the remake of Sparkle. The Game and Gossip Girl actress also spoke with Vibe Vixen last month about the pressure to maintain a stand in Hollywood:

I think there’s pressure on everybody; let’s not deceive ourselves. It’s definitely a beauty business. It [matters] how your face looks, how your body looks, how everything looks. All the blogs talk about it, and they pick on people. The blogs and magazines will be quick to show what’s wrong with a person, so I think there’ s a lot of pressure to try to maintain themselves as much as possible.

Tika Sumpter and La La Anthony Behind the Scenes

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