How Basketball Wives LA Differs From Basketball Wives Miami

The second episode of Basketball Wives LA was actually quite bearable. VH1 in a very lame attempt decided to draw out the brawl between Laura Govan and Malaysia Pargo to the second episode. But much of the remaining episode focused around the women resolving the very physical altercation in a very adult way. Laura and Malaysia’s post-interaction seemed genuine – the same can’t be said for Laura’s thug-texting sister Gloria. But the scene shows the glaring difference between the women of Miami and Los Angeles. LA will likely, at least not in this season, come anywhere near the more polished and clean look of the women in Miami…outside of Draya clearly making the women a tidbit insecure there’s no use trying. Yet the difference in appearance and a difference in maturity will show it’s ugly head in ratings. After VH1 teased the audience with a drama filled premiere – something tells me that’s about as rowdy as things get. Actually Gloria stated in a previous interview that BBW LA will not take the same path as Miami.

Basketball Wives LA didn’t escape the judgment of celebrities bashing the show – and rightly so. Sherri Shepherd of The View tweeted,

“I got physically ill watching Gloria Govan and Malaysia fighting like animals. Resolution via fighting?” *She means Laura*

“How do Uteach young girl 2 have respect & self-esteem, by showing her thru UR actions that you’ll pop someone in the mouth?”

Despite the ladies putting aside their issue, the show is not without it’s gripes. The ladies interaction with Draya is laughable and the perception they have of Tonya is even more disturbing.

I predict as this show goes along it will loose ratings – one because it started off with too much drama and two because the drama won’t continue.

SN: I applaud Malaysia for showing some humanity….

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