Basketball Wives: Jennifer Williams Admits To Provoking Eric

Update-Basketball Wives star Jennifer Williams admitted today that she may have provoked her estranged husband Eric to throw a drink in her face, but just as quickly Jenn ridiculed Eric’s reaction.

Jennifer and Eric Williams’ scene were by far the most highly anticipated part of the finale, hence why VH1 smartly edited to keep this for the last scene – literally!

Last week, mouths were agape as the quick shot shows Eric aggressively throwing a drink into his soon-to-be-ex wife face. Why?! Last night finally shed some light. As the estranged couple sat down to discuss their dragging divorce the conversation escalated to talk about a few things – some new to the story – before Eric appears to get up and walk away. As Eric walks away Jenn throws a drink splashing Eric on the back (you can see his shirt is wet in the clip). Then Eric returns and tells Jenn’ “be careful” before splashing her directly in the face with another drink.

It’s hard to have 100% sympathy for Jenn after watching the entire scene – Eric does loose points for the intensity in which he threw the drink and his table manners left much to be desired.

Watch the small clip below of the finale

Listen to Jennifer defend herself on the Breakfast Club

Basketball Wives: Do you agree that Jennifer Williams provoked Eric and should he have retaliated?

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