Angelina Jolie Bask In Motherhood Amidst Media Frenzy

Amidst rumors of a private wedding and the persistent flashing of cameras, Angelina Jolie appeared unaffected as she strolled the streets of LA with her two oldest girls this past Monday.

Zahara 6 and her Shiloh age 5, pranced alongside their mother during their girl’s only shopping trip.

Jolie is accustomed to her clan roughing it, admitting her sons got hooked on eating insects during a recent trip to Cambodia.

“My boys love to eat crickets. It’s their favorite thing. When I first gave it to them… I wanted them to not be turned-off by something that wasn’t (part of) their culture”

The Oscar winner laughingly continued;
“And then I had to actually ban the cricket-eating at a certain point because I was afraid they were going to get sick from eating too many… But they’re good!’

Brad Pitt’s longtime friend, action star, Matt Damon recently revealed he does not envy their life!

Matt told German TV network Tele 5, “I have friends who are like prisoners. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, for instance. They can’t just go someplace. I’m really lucky, because I have the best of both worlds. I do the work that I love and need, but don’t need paramilitary troops to protect me when I walk out my front door.”

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt appear to manage their hectic lives just fine…at least from the outside looking in 🙂

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