BET Apologizes For Rihanna And Chris Brown Award Mix Up

BET executive Stephen Hill has issued and apology for the Rihanna and Chris Brown award mix up. This is was in really poor taste and it’s hard to believe this was an “error”. Here’s the story:

One lucky fan – or unlucky depending on how you look at it – Tiffany Green held the HTC tablet to announce Chris Brown won the Viewer’s Choice award only for the teleprompter to say Rihanna! Wasn’t the tablet suppose to be more efficient???

Any who, at the end of it all, the audience was confused and taken for a ride when it was later revealed that Chris Brown did indeed win the honor. Tiffany (above, middle) wasn’t very happy about looking crazy in front of millions of viewers. She posted on twitter:

“Bawling backstage. They totally f***ed me up. The tablet f***in said CHRIS BROWN….the TELEPROMPTER said Rihanna. What the F***?????? Goin home….. ”

She continues, “So BET did that on purpose. Oh. I feel better. Look b***hes….Im not SLOW. lol They did the s*** on PURPOSE. F***ed up right? *shrug* smh. Everyone’s comin up to me tellin me how good I did under those f***ed up circumstances. Welp. Im trendin worldwide. I gives no f*** what yall THINK happened. Cuz guess what? Im HERE. You Not. 🙂 ”

BET Executive Stephen Hill said that the “BET Awards Viewer’s Choice mix-up was due to human error. And I was the human that made that error. I apologize to ALL affected.”

Sorry Stephen – you need more people. Despite it all Chris Brown appeared in good spirits and even Rihanna was spotted at the after party looking gorgeous in a slinky grey dress. (pictured above) Do you think BET did this on purpose? Watch below:
I must add that the look on Tiffany’s face was priceless!

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