Megan Fox Fired By Spielberg Over Hitler Comparisons

More details are emerging over former “Transformers” star Megan Fox untimely firing. Megan Fox’s former co-star Shia Labeouf provided some insight last month when he stated that Megan was offended by her oversexed image. “Transformers” director Michael Bay however has finally shed some light on the skinny of the matter. He tells GQ magazine,

“You know the Hitler thing. Steven said, fire her right now.”

So what exactly did Megan Fox say in her 2009 Wonderland interview?

“He’s like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane, infamous mad-man reputation. He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he’s a nightmare to work for but when you get him away from set, and he’s not in director mode, I kind of really enjoy his personality because he’s so awkward, so hopelessly awkward. He has no social skills at all. And it’s endearing to watch him.”

Michael Bay explains he wasn’t hurt by the comments instead he offered his sarcastic take on the matter,

“I wasn’t hurt, because I know that’s just Megan. Megan loves to get a response,” Bay said. “And she does it in kind of the wrong way. I’m sorry, Megan. I’m sorry I made you work twelve hours. I’m sorry that I’m making you show up on time. Movies are not always warm and fuzzy.”

From the Wonderland quote it appears that Megan truly attempted to explain the two sides to Michael. One which she enjoyed and the other which she loathed working with – of course without thinking she would lose her job! Michael and Megan seem to have an understanding, albeit a tense one. Michael has said in previous interviews that he helped build Megan Fox into the star she is today – should Megan Fox have bit her tongue and avoid getting fired – at least this time?

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