News Video Watch: Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio Make Black People the Butt of Their Joke with Ill-Advised Skit
News Video From Donald Trump to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Racist Rhetoric Hidden in Coded Speech Is Nothing New In American Politics
National Black Student Cursed at, Assaulted at Trump Rally, Said Experience Made Him ‘Lose Faith in America’
National Black Protester Sucker-Punched by Trump Supporter in North Carolina Speaks Out: ‘It’s Just Shocking’
featured Gov. Snyder Rushes to Defend Himself Against Jabs During Democratic Debate — Where Was This Urgency When Children Were Being Poisoned by Lead?
Editor's Picks Russell Simmons Slams Bernie Sanders in an Effort to Amplify Hillary Clinton Endorsement
National Donald Trump Riding A Wave of White Resentment That Has Been Building Since Barack Obama’s 2008 Election
National Clinton Campaign Cements Backing of 170 ‘Prominent’ Black Women Despite Sketchy History With African-American Voters
featured The Black Vote: Who Deserves It? Hillary, Bernie or Someone Else? And Why Is Azealia Banks Weighing In?
News Video African-American Hilary Supporter Completely Baffles CNN Panel for Insinuating She Shouldn’t Pander to Blacks
National Decision to Cancel ‘Black and Brown Presidential Forum’ Is Latest Setback in GOP’s Attempt to Woo Black Voters
National Early Voting in States with Large Black Populations Forces Democrats to Align with Black Lives Matter Movement
National Ben Carson Says the #BlackLivesMatter Movement Is Creating Strife, and White Republicans Love Him For It
National Black Lives Matter Activists Barred from Campaign Event, Eventually Have Contentious Meeting with Hillary