‘Shut the F—k Up, Idiot!’: Crazed Couple Gets Instant Karma After Berating Neighbor for Knocking on Back Door In Viral Video

A viral video shows a couple verbally accosting their neighbor during a rant laced with expletives all because she knocked on their back door.

TikTok user @skunarpz posted a video on her page last month showing her encounter with her neighbors, a white man and woman. The video went viral, earned nearly 6 million views on TikTok, and has been reposted and reshared to other platforms in the weeks since.

Crazed Couple Gets Instant Karma After Berating Neighbor for Knocking on Back Door In Viral Video
A couple confronts their neighbor in a viral video. (Photo: TikTok/@skunarpz)

The footage is overlaid with text explaining what led up to the couple’s rant:

“They rent out the basement of this condo, and I only ever see them come in and out through the basement sliding door,” @skunarpz wrote. “She lashed out at me because I knocked on the door instead of the front door. I apologized to her and explained that I didn’t know as I’ve only ever seen her use the back door.”

The video starts with the white woman threatening to have @skunarpz arrested. Then, the woman and her partner start shouting about their frustration with @skunarpz for knocking on their back door instead of the front door.

“What the f*** are you knocking on our back door for, idiot?!” the woman states before saying, “F*** you!”

When the neighbor tries to explain why she knocked on the door, the woman yells, “No! You don’t explain anything. I’m an English major, so shut the f*** up, idiot! You’re a f***ing a**hole!”

Both ladies threaten to call the cops over the altercation. The video ends with a photo of a police officer putting the man who also screamed at @skunarpz in the back of a police car. The TikTok user claims the woman’s partner had a warrant out for his arrest.

The video drew thousands of comments.

“I am so glad you called the police,” one person said.”If knocking on the back door is ‘rude’ to them, what is yelling and swearing at someone calling them names?” another person asked.

“I am so confused. They’re made because you knocked on the wrong door? Like…what?” another comment read.

The TikTok user posted several other cellphone and home surveillance videos showing different parts of the encounter, including when neighbors got involved and attempted to de-escalate the confrontation.

Another video shows a neighbor confronting the white woman, asking, “Because I’m brown? Do I like her because she’s brown?” the neighbor asks about @skunarpz, who appears to be a person of Asian descent.

The two neighbors go back and forth before the white woman says, “Oh, you don’t listen to me ’cause I’m white?”

The other neighbor tells her that’s not true before the white woman yells, “F*** you!” and slams her door shut.

A front door surveillance camera also caught the moments when the white woman said, “What a d***. She’s gotta be a spoiled Asian b****.”

Another surveillance video shows when the woman accused @skunarpz of owning an illegal dog daycare. While it appears that the arrest wasn’t the only karma from the confrontation, another video shows the moment the landlord showed up threatening to evict the couple, reportedly after the woman’s partner was arrested.

“Get out! As soon as possible,” the landlord shouts, to which the white woman yells back, “I won’t!” and tells him to “get the f*** out of here!”

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