‘Don’t Do This’: Florida Woman Repeatedly Lies About Smashing Ex Husband’s Window Despite Being Caught on Video, Continues to Plead Her Innocence While Being Arrested

A Florida man who divorced his wife dodged a bullet, or in this case, a brick. Sabrina Coyne, 34, was arrested for chucking a brick through the window of her ex-husband’s home in Bonita Springs. She repeatedly denied smashing the window and banging on the front door despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

The entire incident was caught on the home’s surveillance camera, and the projectile was no ordinary brick.

It turns out the weapon of choice was a commemorative “first date” brick that memorialized the day on June 14, 2020, when the couple went jet-skiing together.

Sabrina Coyne (Credit: Lee County Sheriff’s Office)

After her arrest, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office spliced together the surveillance video with bodycam footage and released it on Facebook, which has inspired some colorful commentary from viewers.

“It’s funny because that was why they made first-date brick,” noted one in the comments section of the New York Post. Another added, “…commemorative first date brick…does it get any more romantic than that?”

“Yes its good to have your first date brick around … comes in handy for domestic squabbles,” quipped another, followed by, “Note to self, commemorate first dates with teddy bear, not brick….”

The attack occurred on the evening of Jan. 24 when a loud crash woke the homeowners, who quickly called the police. When the cops arrived, they found Coyne making a ruckus at the front door, according to the police footage.

When a cop asked why she was banging on the door, she responded, “I was trying to get in touch with my ex-husband, adding, “I banged on the door because he wouldn’t let me in!” Coyne claimed to live at the house and denied launching anything through the window.

But the surveillance video told a different story. In it, Coyne is seen holding up a cellphone to record her revenge, with the flash popping off while she hurled the brick into the window with her other hand.

Even after getting handcuffed, Coyne repeatedly denied doing anything wrong and boldly interrupted the police officer while he read her her rights. Just as he said, “If you can’t afford a lawyer…” she interjected, “For what? I didn’t break the window. I did not break the window,” she insisted. “Officer, officer, I did not break the window.”

Coyne was arrested for criminal mischief and throwing a deadly missile into an occupied dwelling, according to arrest records, which show two prior arrests for battery. After posting bond — $5,000 for the weapon offense charge and $2,500 for the criminal mischief charge — she was released on Jan. 26.  Her next court date is Feb. 24.

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