The drama between “Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta” stars Pooh Hicks and Karlie Redd seems to be never-ending.
Hicks and Redd almost came to blows in this week episode’s after Pooh called Redd out for not owning up to their alleged threesome with each other. The two co-stars were close friend years ago, before the 45-year-old apparently decided to end her friendship with Hicks, saying she’d outgrown their relationship.
Hicks clearly felt some type of way toward Redd, seemingly still hurt by their friendship ending, and apparently wanted vengeance. The “LHHATL” cast headed to Trinidad during the May 27 episode, and things came to a head when Redd and Hicks came face to face. Redd agreed to call a truce with Hicks if she admitted to lying about their supposed threesome with her husband Hiriam Hicks.
Pooh on the other hand stuck to her story and accused Redd of having “loose bowels” when her husband apparently tried to penetrate Redd in the rear end. Pooh then pulled out her “750-dollar sheets” that she claimed Redd left fecal matter on. Before the two could throw physical jabs at each other, security quickly swooped in and separated the two, but not before Pooh began throwing adult diapers at Redd.
“LHHATL” viewers were repulsed by the scene and while others blasted Pooh for being messy.
“WTF was that Pooh is disgusting and seriously needs some help.”
“I think Pooh obsessed with,Karlie….She Mad cuz She ATE HER ASS, GOT SHITTED ON, and Got DENIED ACCESS after ALL THAT.”
“My damn stomach hurts after watching this. smh pooh and her husband storyline is gonna be sleeping with @iamkarlieredd all of season 8 waste of time if you ask me. She should be ashamed of herself.”
“I’m So Sick Of Pooh And Those Shitty Sheets. Who Gives A Damn About A Threesome, Girl Boy Or Whatever It Is. Please Have Several Seats!!! .”