As Kenya Moore’s daughter continues to grow into a healthy baby girl, that means she no longer has a need to wear the tiny clothes she once sported as a premature baby.
As such, “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” star is hosting a giveaway to relinquish the new and gently-worn items to fans.
“Do you or someone you know have a Preemie or baby in NICU? If so, #BrooklynsPreemieGiveaway will be a blessing to you or a family in need! We are giving away new and gently used preemie sized clothing, bottles, one bouncer, formula, blankets, toys, and more to a family in need with a preemie or baby in NICU. Enter now!” the star wrote on Instagram Jan. 21.
To enter, fans can follow Moore’s daughter’s Instagram page, the star’s own Instagram page and one for the Brooklyn, N.Y., restaurant SoCo, which is owned by Moore’s husband and Brooklyn’s father, Marc Daly.
Winners will be announced on Thursday, Jan. 24, at 6 p.m., and they’ll be notified through a direct message.
“On behalf of #babybrooklyn God bless you and your family and good luck,” the post concluded.
Fans responded to the reality star’s generosity with graciousness.
“What a kind and considerate deed to do. Bless you ❤️”
“Aww this is so amazing @thekenyamoore nice to see someone in the public eye can relate to the struggle!”
“This is so awesome of you @thekenyamoore God bless you and baby daly for being a heart to the world thats in need…❤”
Moore was forced to give birth to Brooklyn weeks earlier than her Thanksgiving Day due date when she experienced a life-threatening pregnancy complication. Preeclampsia, a condition which is characterized by high blood pressure and can only be cured by delivering the baby, caused Moore’s feet to swell severely, and she gained 17 pounds in a single week. As a result, Moore had an emergency cesarean section and gave birth to Brooklyn on Nov. 4 after a life-threatening ordeal.
“They couldn’t get the baby out,” she told People magazine last year. “There were all these complications and they knew if they cut into a fibroid, I could potentially bleed out and die. So they ended up cutting me vertically too, to just get the baby out and make sure I survived the surgery. They were so scared they were going to lose me.”