Bow Wow’s Attempt At An Inspirational Message Goes Sideways with His Detractors: ‘You Didn’t Build Anything’

Bow Wow posted what could be called an inspirational message and while some said they appreciated it, others had a different point of view.

The rapper posted the message on Thursday, which had to do with haters trying to thwart your success.

Bow Wow got clowned after suggesting that people are trying to destroy what he's built.


“No matter how positive you are there’ll always be a person on the opposite end of the spectrum wanting to destroy what you built,” he wrote next to a photo of himself in a white t-shirt and shorts.

It’s not clear whether Bow was referring to himself since he’s often ridiculed on social media or just sending a general message. But either way, his post sparked various opinions, many of which were positive.

“Keep pushing forward, young king,” one person told him. “It never changes. Someone will always try to destroy. You keep it moving.”

“Don’t let what people think they know try to define you,” a second person wrote. “Stay on your positive journey. Just remember, not everyone gets to come. Keep that head all the way up.”

But of course, which shouldn’t be surprised based on Bow’s Internet history, some sent disses and said his message was off.

I wonder what exactly did he build?” one person asked.

“You didn’t build anything but okay,” wrote another. 

Others, meanwhile, didn’t insult Bow, but they encouraged him to avoid certain behaviors in the new year.

“That’s true and all but I was meaning to tell you stop throwing temper tantrums in 2019,” someone wrote.

“Sometimes that person on the opposite end of the spectrum is ourselves,” wrote another person. “Self evaluation does wonders.”

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