Days after Nene Leakes put husband Gregg Leakes on blast for behaving “mean, grouchy, evil,” the businessman has issued a message of gratitude.
“I never even taught about someday we might be in this position but here we are in the struggle of life Damn!” Gregg, who is battling colon cancer, wrote on Instagram Saturday, Dec. 1. “This woman right here has put a mountain on her back and carried it with grace. She’s given so much of herself. You Nene, steps up to the plate, bats and knock it out the park every time. Something a lot of women can’t do or wouldn’t. So what she hit a wall and her cup run over! Pray for her, encourage her, lift her up. What good is tearing down gonna do? I’m not bed stricken and i’m not dying of cancer! I’m kicking cancers ass.”
On Nov. 29, Gregg’s “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star wife appeared to be fed up with how Gregg’s treatments had made him act toward her. She commented on his IG post saying, “you need to do everything you posted! Practice what you preach” and added in another comment, “you need to pray for yourself! This mean, grouchy, evil stuff u pulling these days are NOT cool.”
The remarks were later deleted but she took to Twitter to ponder about her situation further.
“I would just think if I have or had cancer, I would see life so differently! Not be mean, grouchy and evil for no real reason! But that’s me. Pray for me,” she said.
Fans quickly went after her with one saying she was “so evil.” The vitriol seemed to move Gregg to post his message, in which he assured fans he was not on his deathbed.
Those on Instagram applauded Gregg’s memo.
“Amen!!! My prayers are with you and your family!😘”
“Well said Gregg! Keep kicking cancer’s ass!”
“yes my brother kick on we got Nene.”
And Nene seemed moved as well. She wrote on her own page, “I don’t know how to repost but Thank you hunni for your kind words @greggleakes. ❤️”