New Details Come to Light About Miss Quad’s Broken Marriage

Although news of Quad Webb-Lunceford’s divorce from husband Dr. Greg Lunceford is already public, in the upcoming trailer for the new season of “Married to Medicine,” Miss Quad is still sorting through their issues.

At the 0:48 mark, accusations of Webb-Lunceford removing furniture from the home she shares with Lunceford come to light.

“I come home, my goddamn sleep number was missing,” Dr. Greg tells the fellas.

But apparently, Miss Quad’s reason for doing that is because he was out clubbing with someone else — right in front of her.

“I saw my husband last night dancing in the club with another woman in my motherf—ing face. Why would my husband do that to me?” she tearfully says in the clip.

The furniture removal issue cropped up in documents filed in response to Quad’s divorce filing, which she made in May.

In her original filing, Miss Quad accused her husband of “cruel treatment willfully inflicted” upon her, “such as reasonably justified apprehension” for her mental health, and adultery.

But he denied that and hit back saying that she removed property the couple got before marrying from their house without his consent. Dr. Greg asked a judge to require his estranged wife to return a washer and dryer, light fixtures, bedroom furniture and furniture from the master bedroom along with a dining room set, basement furniture and two TVs he claimed Quad showed up with movers in May to take.

The season 6 trailer isn’t the first glimpse viewers have gotten of the Lunceford’s marriage woes. Last season, folks saw Quad openly question why they were together.

“You only think that a wife is strictly supposed to be there for her husband and her husband only,” Webb-Lunceford said. “And, Gregory, I’m sorry. I have goals, I have aspirations, I have dreams.”

“If you’re 50, right, and I’m 36, why are we wasting time?” she stated in a confessional scene.

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