Nick Cannon Responds to Azealia Banks After She Alleges ‘Wild’n Out’ Jokes Made Her ‘Cry’

After Azealia Banks accused Nick Cannon’s “Wild’n Out” cast of mistreating her with colorist remarks, the comedian has responded.

Banks posted on Instagram Sunday, June 15 that she was slated to go on the MTV show as a musical guest but when she showed up, things changed. She said one of the personalities called her ugly and began making colorist remarks, with others on the show later ranting about her looks. This all presumably happened during a joaning session as part of the program.

“I did ‘Wildin’ Out’ today. There were tons of pre-planned colorist jokes and of course …. cry baby cried. Some little scrawny Black Atlanta twink was prepared for me. They planned this — hit me on short notice, told me I didn’t have to participate in the coon ass freestyle battles, (not my style) and I was to sing my song and go home. I show up and some guy who’s darker than me starts calling me ugly and being colorist, then all of a sudden a choir of the most disgustingly basic, local, cattle call ‘urban’ pseudo comedic ‘FAT BECause You sit in a chair all day’ greasy soul food-induced south of the Mason Dixon, self-hatred. Ass It#backwards, post-Jim Crow, post-traumatic slave disorder true self-esteem less, Ward of the state CLOWNS with their low scale and highly UNimpressive resumes, start going off about how the beautiful Azealia Banks looks! I’ve never felt so much hate and rage for anyone else than I did in that moment. Yemaya was really on stage. Yemaya …..”

Banks, who questioned making fun of Cannon for his lupus in her IG story, also responded to fans who asked how she coped.

“@meikthescxmmer I cried. I wanted to go off. But I couldn’t. Too many ppl from Viacom there.”

She told another fan she couldn’t get a jab in during the joke sessions because “it all came too fast and the entire cast reeked of Bible Belt homophobic homosexuality. I hated my experience.”

Azealia Banks

Cannon caught wind of Banks’ issues and seemed to put the blame all on Banks.

“Don’t you hate when you create your own storms but forget your umbrella??? 🤦🏾‍♂️ @azealiabanks We are praying for you Queen 🙏🏾 #speedyrecovery #Healing
She #Wildnout for real😳🤣#Karma.”

Meanwhile, fans on both sides of the issue are making their thoughts known.

“Everyone on that show has been through the comedy ringer. She should’ve known they would’ve joked around about her, same thing happens to me at work every other day. But I’m not going on social media being sour about it.”

“Girl, I BELIEVE YOU @azealiabanks. It’s our people who are racist towards one another……#IcriedWithYou.”

“But didn’t you call another dark-skinned woman …a tar baby?”

“You guys…the fact that Azealia is feeling her hurt and expressing it openly, honestly and eloquently is TREMENDOUS growth for her. And for all you stating that she should’ve expected this crap from ‘Wild’n Out,’ SHE. WAS. LIED. TO. She was SUPPOSED to just be a musical guest, and even though she was deeply hurt by what they did, she STILL kept a cool enough head not to give them exactly what they wanted and start a smart, open dialogue about why it was so wrong.”

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