Top 5 Stories You Missed While You Were Sleeping

Meek Mill’s Judge Refuses to Remove Herself From the Case: Judge Genece Brinkley will not remove herself from the Meek Mill case despite being asked to by Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Brinkley’s lawyer, A. Charles Peruto, Jr. told TMZ that she has no grudge towards the rapper and was being as fair as possible from the beginning of the trial.

Donald Trump’s Travel Ban Reaches the Supreme Court: President Trump’s travel ban will be presented to the Supreme Court. The ban was designed to “protect the country from Terrorism” by preventing citizens of countries, considered security risks, from entering the United States.

Waffle House Mass Shooter’s First Court Appearance Rescheduled: 29-year-old Travis Reinking charged with four counts of homicide will not appear in court today April 25.  The court appearance was rescheduled for May 7 due to “scheduling conflicts between the attorneys,” said the district attorney’s office.

The 76ers Defeat Miami Heat and Advance to Second Round of Playoffs: Meek Mill rang the liberty bell to kickoff game 5 of the playoffs between the Philadelphia 76ers and Miami Heat. The 76ers won the game 104-91.

Prince’s Ex-Wife Defends Him Against Abuse Rumors: Sinead O’Connor claimed that the late pop icon Prince was abusive towards women and addicted to hard drugs. Prince ex-wife Mayte Garcia denied the claims and said she has never seen Prince be violent toward men or women.


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