Top 5 Stories You Missed While You Were Sleeping

Synthetic Marijuana Behind the Cause of Severe Bleeding and Death: Over 50 cases of severe bleeding and 2 deaths in Chicago have been blamed on artificial weed. All the cases included coughing blood, blood in urine, and bloody nose. Rat poisoning was found in several of the cases.

Rob Kardashian Puts Up Another Fight Against Blac Chyna in Custody Battle: Rob Kardashian has decided to take Blac Chyna back to court over custody battle due to Chyna’s recent shenanigans. The reality starlet got into a brawl at Six Flags around their child and used the baby’s stroller as a weapon.

Fox News Stands By Laura Ingraham Against Activist David Hogg: Laura Ingraham of Fox News was called out for her insensitive comments against gun control activist and Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg. The incident caused her show to lose nearly a dozen advertisers and supporters, but Fox said in a statement released Monday that “We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts.”

The Trump Administration Will Impose Deportation Quotas on Immigration Judges: Trump administration will increase the speed of deportation by pressuring immigration judges with a quota. The quotas will be tied to their performance reviews.

Villanova Crushes Michigan in the NCAA Championship: Villanova University beat Michigan in NCAA championship 70 to 62. Villanova forward Eric Paschall said, “we have so many talented dudes that can just get going. We don’t know who’s going to have a good night. Tonight, it was Donte.” This is their 2nd championship in 3 years.

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