Here’s Why Terry Crews Compares Hollywood to a Slave Plantation

Terry Crews Slave Plantation


Earlier this month, we shared the news that Terry Crews’ sexual assault case against Hollywood agent Adam Venit was rejected because the Los Angeles District Attorney said there was no skin-to-skin contact, and the actor’s movements weren’t confined or hindered.

In 2017, Crews accused Venit of groping him at an industry function, and he’s been fighting to hold him accountable ever since.

“The Brooklyn-Nine” cast member recently spoke about the incident during an interview with Buzzfeed, were he compared Hollywood to a slave plantation.

“People don’t understand that Hollywood is a very violent place,” said Crews. “The best way to put it is that it’s like a plantation … They cut your head off so the next person doesn’t speak … [They] shame you so you feel like you gotta hide in the house. [But] once you get rid of shame, you get to step off the slave plantation and I get to be here. This is a good thing.”

Since Crews’ sexual assault allegation, he’s received support from many, including the  consumer and goods company Procter & Gamble, who recently sent him a letter. The actor has been a spokesman for P&G’s deodorant company Old Spice for quite some time and has appeared in several television spots for them. He shared the letter with his followers on Twitter and thanked his employers for reaching out.

“To our longtime friend Terry,” the letter begins. “We at Old Spice and P&G are on your side and offer our support in any way we can as you continue to fight against sexual misconduct. In so many instances it is women who are seen as the only victims of these types of assaults, as few men come forward to tell their story too.”

“We hope that men take your lead and stand up to expose those who are taking advantage of their position to cause harm to others,” it continued. “We also believe that men need to take a step back and put an end to the culture that allows sexual misconduct to continue to be such a pervasive problem … Terry, we hope more people are empowered to come forward because of your courage.”

After Crews shared the letter, many of his followers gave kind words, and they also had nice things to say about Procter & Gamble, as well as Old Spice.

“I’ve never been more proud of a body wash,” one person wrote.

“I support you 100% Terry,” wrote another. “And I think you and all the other people that have been harassed, assaulted and mistreated are beyond brave. I hope that by you guys and girls coming forth with your experiences, [it’ll] give people courage to come forward and fight.”

You can read other responses to Procter & Gamble’s letter below.

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