Meghan McCain Tries to Trap Jemele Hill on White Supremacist Tweet — and Fails

Former ESPN broadcaster Jemele Hill isn’t backing down from her recent tweets calling President Donald Trump a white supremacist.

Hill stood by her controversial comments during a Wednesday appearance on ABC’s “The View” where she got into an on-air tiff with conservative co-host Meghan McCain. McCain, daughter of Arizona Senator John McCain (R), said that she too has “tweeted things in the heat of the moment” and asked Hill if she really meant what she said.

She also asked the former “SportsCenter” anchor if she believed Trump supporters are white supremacists, too.

“I still stand by what I said,” Hill replied. “I do not think that his supporters are white supremacists. What I would say, though, is that they have the privilege, the benefit of privilege, to be able to distance and disassociate themselves from certain issues.”

“As a woman of color I feel vulnerable to certain things he said and done and so all of that was part of that response of feeling that vulnerability,” she added.

McCain pressed further, asking Hill if she considered someone like Ben Carson a white supremacist, to which the sportswriter responded she didn’t. McCain shot back again, attempting to use Hill’s tweet arguing that the Trump was surrounded by white supremacists against her. It didn’t work, however.

“I wasn’t talking about [people like] Ben Carson,” Hill said. “I think we know the names.”

Watch the rest of their exchange above.

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