3 Top Stories You Missed While You Were Sleeping

  1. Matt Lauer issued an apology after being fired from NBC’s ‘Today.’  In a statement, he said “There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions.”  “To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.” One complaint came from a former employee who said Mr. Lauer had called her to his office in 2001, locked the door and sexually assaulted her.
  2. “Queen Sugar” director Ava Duvernay responded to the president’s tweet about Matt Lauer being terminated for sexual misconduct. Trump tweeted: “Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for ‘inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.'” “But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News. Check out Andy Lack’s past!” Ava responded to Trump “you’re next.”
  3. Meek Mill received another high profile visit. This time from Philadelphia 76ers star Joel Embiid.
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