Eniko Parrish Bounces Back Days After Giving Birth — See How You Can Too


It took no time for Kevin Hart’s wife Eniko Parrish to bounce back into shape after giving birth.

Parrish looked slim as she struck a pose on Instagram Wednesday, Nov. 29. Just two weeks ago, Parrish was ready for her son to be born.

“I know you’re quite comfy and warm in there…but it’s time!” she wrote Sunday, Nov. 19.


The model attributed her 22-pound slim down to keeping her stress low, eating well, working out and breastfeeding.

“Celebrity women are always in the public eye, so it’s very important that they bounce back as quickly as possible from their pregnancy,” celebrity trainer and fitness expert Gee Bryant told Atlanta Black Star. While Bryant has never trained Eniko, he said “many celebrities hire top trainers, nutritionists, and chefs to help them reach their goals. For the celebrities who don’t, some may have been living a healthy lifestyle, so snapping back into a routine after their doctor’s clearance is a breeze.”

The comments section was lit up with adoring remarks about Parrish’s almost-instant snapback.

eniko parrish body eniko parrish body eniko parrish body eniko parrish body

But of course, there was one Negative Nancy.

eniko parrish body

Still, Hart’s better half has been photographed hitting the gym throughout her pregnancy. She also documented her workouts on Instagram, which she continued at least until her eighth month of pregnancy.


“When your line of business is heavily focused on your appearance, you will find a way to get back to normal,” Bryant said.

Yet, the Atlanta-based gym owner says it’s not impossible for everyday women to slim down in a similar fashion.

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“If you’re not a celebrity or don’t have access to some of the resources to snap back you still can by following these keys: portion control, consistent activity and keeping a positive mindset,” Bryant said. “Eat five to six small meals a day, that includes lean protein, a good amount of vegetables, grains, and fresh fruit. Try running or jogging three to four times a week for 30 minutes along with light strength training a couple times a week.

“Hire a trainer if you can,” he continued. “Having a professional map out a plan, that pushes you to get there makes all the difference. Lastly, your mindset and commitment will be the most important part of all this. If you don’t believe you can snap back then you won’t. The body won’t go where the mind won’t let it. You have to make an unbreakable resolution to get back to the shape you were in before your pregnancy or let it motivate it you to be even better!”


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